Our Services & Programs
Our services are offered to vulnerable young adults, age 18 and over who are identified in the National Housing Strategy, are of Indigenous descent or a visible minority, those who have aged out of foster care, and those having mild intellectual or developmental disabilities.
Part of our service offering is to assist our residents in making needed referrals, creating safety networks, and in developing individualized life plans, that may include any of the programs listed below.

Life Skills Program
Emphasizes acquisition of life skills necessary for a young adult's successful transition to adulthood.
Employment, Education & Volunteer Program
We will assist our residents to identify academic, employment, and volunteer interests and make the needed referrals.
Cultural and Family Reconnect Program
It is our desire, as an agency, to build these bridges and keep our residents connected to their family and cultural backgrounds.
Recreational Program
Our recreation program encourages health and wellness while allowing vulnerable young adult to have fun, build healthy relationships and develop needed skills.
Non-Clinical Program
Programs include gardening, pet therapy, art & music. Residents can participate in a variety of activities, from learning about nutrients, planning the garden, planting, harvesting, and preparing food. Our pet therapy program will help participants improve their mental, physical, social and emotional health. Music and arts programs will provide additional opportunities for residents to express themselves.
Mentoring Program
Each resident will be connected to a mentor, if they choose to have one, who will journey with them, provide support, guidance and companionship when needed.